Why “Dandelions in the Sidewalk”?

Why choose the name Dandelions in the Sidewalk for my blog?

First, dandelions are a special flower in our house. My husband and I are both military brats and the dandelion is the flower of the military child because of its resilience and habit of traveling all over the world. Second, I wanted a symbol of hope and humor. A dandelion takes root and grows, even thrives, in places that seem antithetical to life, such as cracks in sidewalks. There is also something so funny about finding a dandelion growing in a place where we have expressly forbidden plants to grow, such as cracks in sidewalks.

It is my hope, that through this medium, I can bring hope and humor to the everyday!


3 thoughts on “Why “Dandelions in the Sidewalk”?”

  1. What a wonderful story behind why you chose name. This is a very well written post, my compliments. I am looking forward to reading more from you.

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